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Summer 2019 

Ever hear the song “I hear you knocking – but you can’t come in!” Or Edgar Allen Poe’s quote: “Suddenly there came a tapping – as if someone gently rapping - rapping at my chamber door”.


Quite often when “opportunity” knocks, it is not a pounding fist, but a soft tapping – a very quiet voice that whispers: “Hey, YOU!”

In fact, it is usually your inner voice, your intuition, that softly announces a new possibility, a magical event, or just a simple “ah ha!”  It’s a small seed that you can either ignore – or plant.


If you spend your life in the city but love the outdoors, if you live in the concrete jungle but flowers brighten your mood, if your dreams take you on a footstep journey down a dirt path amidst a forest of huge trees,  listen closely for that faint tapping.  The land may be calling out to you  - come for a short visit – or a lifetime.


Our company helps bring your quiet dreams of peaceful country living to fruition.  We spend our days searching out those quiet meadows, forever views, and lazy mountain streams.  Then - we offer them to your family – as dreams fulfilled. 


If you’ve dreamed of the quiet life, away from the daily stress of city living, please - call us.  We have one of the largest collections of rural mountain properties, just waiting for your family.


Got questions? Call Paul!  We offer the very best of the North Carolina mountains.  Go ahead – live the dream – answer the door!

Call Paul: 828-263-2340 or Email Paul:

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